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Saturday 9 May 2020


Content B
6.         Membranes
7.         Cell-Cell Interaction
8.         Energy and Metabolism
9.         How Cells Harvest Energy
10.       Photosynthesis

1. Principal classes of membrane proteins include all of the following except
                A)           receptors
                B)            cell surface markers
                C)            spectrins
                D)           transport proteins

2. Which of the following are not components of the cell membrane?
                A)           cell surface markers
                B)            transmembrane proteins
                C)            interior protein network
                D)           plasmodesmata

3. To cross the cell membrane, water must
                A)           squeeze between phospholipid molecules
                B)            pass through aquaporins
                C)            be transported at the expense of ATP
                D)           be moved by a cotransport system

4. If a cell's contents are greatly hypoosmotic to the surrounding environment, the cell will probably
                A)           expand
                B)            become isotonic
                C)            burst
                D)           shrivel

5. The sodium-potassium pump passes
                A)           more Na+ out than K+ in
                B)            K+ out and Na+ in on a one-for-one basis
                C)            Na+ out and K+ in on a one-for-one basis
                D)           K+ and Na+ in the same direction

6. Exocytosis is a process by which cells
                A)           pass substances out of the cell in vesicles
                B)            pass substances out of the cell through the membrane by osmosis
                C)            release substances directly into the extracellular fluid through a pore
                D)           release substances directly into the extracellular fluid through a pit
                E)            identify substances in the environment

7. A phospholipid has
                A)           a phosphate group in place of one fatty acid
                B)            phosphate groups in place of two fatty acids
                C)            phosphate groups in place of three fatty acids
                D)           a phosphate group in place of a carbon in glycerol
                E)            none of the above

8. Clathrin-coated pits are used to
                A)           extrude bulk fluids from the cell
                B)            allow desired molecules directly into the cytoplasm
                C)            pass wastes in vesicles to the outside.
                D)           pass information into adjacent cells
                E)            bring desired substances from the environment into the cell in vesicles

9. A lipid bilayer
                A)           permits water soluble molecules to pass through it
                B)            facilitates the passage of water soluble molecules through it
                C)            inhibits the passage of water soluble substances through it
                D)           actively transports water soluble molecules through it
                E)            is indifferent to the passage of water molecules through it

10. A cell is recognized by other tissue members as "self" by its surface
                A)           glycolipids
                B)            phosphate groups
                C)            glycoproteins
                D)           ketoglutaric acids
                E)            glycocarbohydrates

11. A net gain of water tends to occur
                A)           in a hypoosmotic solution from an isosmotic solution
                B)            in an isosmotic solution from a hyperosmotic solution
                C)            in a hyperosmotic solution from a hypoosmotic solution
                D)           in a hypoosmotic solution from a hyperosmotic solution
                E)            in one isosmotic solution from another isosmotic solution of the same composition

12. Red blood cells have a characteristic concave shape because of
                A)           spectrin
                B)            dextrin
                C)            hemoglobin
                D)           hemocyanin
                E)            iron

13. By a mechanism called cotransport
                A)           sugar moves down its concentration gradient while sodium moves up its concentration gradient
                B)            sodium moves outward against is concentration gradient while sugar moves inward down its concentration gradient
                C)            sugar and sodium move inward down their concentration gradient
                D)           sodium moves inward down its concentration gradient while sugar moves inward up its concentration gradient
                E)            sodium and sugar move outward against their concentration gradient

14. Many surface proteins are anchored by
                A)           polar amino acids
                B)            hydrogen bonding amino acids
                C)            nonpolar fatty acids
                D)           nonpolar amino acids
                E)            polar fatty acids

15. Transmembrane proteins are
                A)           always fixed in position
                B)            always abundant
                C)            often not fixed in position
                D)           never abundant
                E)            none of the above

16. Cystic fibrosis results from defective ion channels for
                A)           Na+
                B)            Cl-
                C)            Ca++
                D)           ClO3-
                E)            H+

17. Fluidity of phospholipid bilayer is increased by
                A)           double bonds between carbon atoms in the fatty acid tails
                B)            steroid lipids at certain temperatures
                C)            poor alignment of the fatty acids tails
                D)           cholesterol at certain temperatures
                E)            all of the above

18. A cell engaged in phagocytosis must be
                A)           engulfing a live organism
                B)            acquiring a liquid
                C)            engulfing a dead organism
                D)           transporting bulk dissolved nutrients
                E)            transporting bulk solid material

19. A, B, and O blood groups are marked by surface
                A)           glycoproteins
                B)            glycolipids
                C)            glycocarbohydrates
                D)           glycerol
                E)            gluterates

20. In each cycle the sodium-potassium pumps transfer
                A)           two potassium ions in and two sodium ions out
                B)            one sodium ion out and one potassium ion in
                C)            three sodium ions out and two potassium ions in
                D)           one potassium ion out and two sodium ions in
                E)            three sodium ions in and two potassium ions out

21. ____________________ are transported by a particular carrier or pass through a particular channel.
                A)           All water soluble ions or molecules
                B)            Certain water soluble molecules or ions
                C)            All insoluble molecules or ions
                D)           Certain insoluble ions or molecules
                E)            Only the smallest molecules or ions

22. Equilibrium is reached in an aqueous solution when
                A)           random motion stops
                B)            water molecules and dissolved molecules are moving at the same rate
                C)            the dissolved molecules or ions are equally distributed throughout the solution
                D)           molecular motion stops
                E)            there are the same number of water molecules as dissolved molecules

23. Substances transported by facilitated diffusion
                A)           move passively through specific channels from an area of greater concentration to one of lower concentration
                B)            are limited to solvents
                C)            must have movements coupled to those of other substances
                D)           may flow to a region of higher concentration by the expenditure of energy
                E)            are restricted to only one direction through the membrane

24. In a lipid bilayer the lipids have
                A)           their water repelling heads facing inward
                B)            their water repelling tails facing inward
                C)            their hydrogen bond forming heads facing inward
                D)           their hydrogen bond forming tails facing inward
                E)            no relationship to water

25. A lipid bilayer is held together by
                A)           surface tension
                B)            double bonds in their fatty acid tails
                C)            the attraction of the phospholipid heads to each other
                D)           hydrogen bonding with water
                E)            the electrostatic attraction of phosphate groups for each other

26. The glycocalyx is a "sugar coating" on the surface of a cell resulting from the presence of polysaccharides on glycolipids and glycoproteins embedded in the outer layer of the plasma membrane.
                A)           True
                B)            False

27. Threonine, an amino acid, and arabinose, a monosaccharide, cross the cell membrane down their concentration gradients by:
                A)           diffusion.
                B)            endocytosis.
                C)            phosphorylation.
                D)           facilitated diffusion.
                E)            osmosis.

28. A contractile vacuole is an organelle that pumps excess water out of many freshwater protozoan cells. A freshwater protozoan was placed in solution A and observed to form contractile vacuoles at a rate of 11 per minute. The same protozoan was then placed in solution B and observed to form contractile vacuoles at a rate of 4 per minute. Based on this information, which of the following statements is correct?
                A)           Solution A is hyperosmotic to solution B.
                B)            Solutions A and B are isosmotic.
                C)            Solution B is hyperosmotic to solution A.
                D)           Solutions A and B are isosmotic to the protozoan cell.
                E)            Both a and b.

29. The net movement of uncharged, polar molecules across a semipermeable membrane from a low concentration to a high concentration occurs by facilitated diffusion.
                A)           True
                B)            False

30. The membrane transport mechanism used when an amoeba engulfs a bacterial cell is called:
                A)           exocytosis
                B)            pinocytosis
                C)            facilitated diffusion
                D)           active transport
                E)            phagocytosis

31. Continuing from the previous question, once the bacterial cell has been digested, the amoeba will dispose of indigestible materials by which of the following processes?
                A)           facilitated diffusion
                B)            through gated channels in membrane proteins
                C)            exocytosis
                D)           active transport
                E)            by any of the above processes

32. ATP is required in the transport of
                A)           water molecules
                B)            all molecules across a membrane
                C)            molecules to areas of lower concentrations
                D)           molecules to areas of higher concentrations
                E)            molecules through a protein channel

33. The sodium-potassium pump establishes concentration gradients
                A)           of higher sodium concentrations inside the cell and higher potassium concentrations outside the cell
                B)            of sodium and potassium but the area of their concentrations (inside or outside) depends on the needs of the cell
                C)            of higher potassium concentrations inside the cell and higher sodium concentrations outside the cell
                D)           of ATP inside the cell where it is needed
                E)            by pumping sodium outside the cell and potassium is cotransported out as well

34. In cotransport processes, sugars can be brought into the cell against their concentrations gradients
                A)           because ATP powers the pump that brings them in
                B)            because they follow sodium ions into the cell which are traveling down their concentration gradients
                C)            because they follow potassium in through the sodium-potassium pump
                D)           through endocytosis
                E)            sugar enters the cell by all of the processes listed above

35. The methods of membrane transport that don't require protein channels or carriers are
                A)           osmosis
                B)            diffusion
                C)            phagocytosis
                D)           exocytosis
                E)            all of the above

1. Synaptic signaling involves
                A)           endocrine signals
                B)            paracrine signals
                C)            autocrine signals
                D)           neurotransmitters

2. Characteristics of intracellular receptors that regulate gene transcription include all of the following except
                A)           a DNA binding site
                B)            an extracellular binding site
                C)            a transcription activating domain
                D)           may be signaled by lipid soluble molecules

3. Cell surface receptors may be any of the following except
                A)           G protein linked
                B)            enzymic receptors
                C)            single-pass transmembrane proteins for neurotransmitters
                D)           chemically-gated ion channels

4. In the cAMP pathway, the G protein stimulates
                A)           phospholipase C
                B)            adenylyl cyclase
                C)            the endoplasmic reticulum
                D)           calmodulin

5. The ____ surrounds the cell like a belt, preventing the passage of substances between the cells.
                A)           gap junction
                B)            desmosome
                C)            hemidesmosome
                D)           tight junction

6. In most cases protein kinases
                A)           hydrolyze proteins
                B)            polymerize amino acids
                C)            stimulate adenylyl cyclase
                D)           bind cGMP
                E)            add phosphate groups to proteins

7. The receptor for nitric oxide (NO) is
                A)           intercellular
                B)            intracellular
                C)            extracellular
                D)           ultracellular
                E)            unicellular

8. In desmosomes, cadherins link to _______________ of an adjacent cell.
                A)           integrins
                B)            connexons
                C)            ras proteins
                D)           intermediate filaments
                E)            plasmodesmata

9. Which of the following are NOT involved in enzyme activation?
                A)           A-kinase
                B)            P nucleic acid
                C)            cAMP
                D)           nitric oxide
                E)            G protein

10. ________ junctions may protect a damaged cell through chemical gating.
                A)           Tight
                B)            Gap
                C)            Adherens
                D)           Occluding
                E)            Macular

11. Narrow gaps between nerve cells through which paracrine signals travel are called
                A)           desmosomes
                B)            calmodulins
                C)            synapses
                D)           integrins
                E)            maculae

12. _______________ is a common second messenger.
                A)           cAMP
                B)            cGTP
                C)            cMHC
                D)           cATP
                E)            cRNA

13. Paracrine signals
                A)           are long-lived with widespread effects
                B)            are short-lived, but with widespread effects due to cascades
                C)            are long-lived, but are acting locally
                D)           are short-lived with local effects
                E)            such as neurotransmitters, function only intracellularly

14. In anchoring junctions, cadherins are linked to
                A)           actin filaments in the cell's cytoskeleton
                B)            cell walls of adjacent cells in plants
                C)            connexons of its own and adjacent cells
                D)           extracellular matrices of adjacent cells
                E)            intracellular integrins of most cells

15. Intracellular receptors include those for
                A)           progesterone
                B)            vitamin D
                C)            cortisol
                D)           thyroid hormone
                E)            all of the above

16. Adherens junctions may involve
                A)           extracellular matrix
                B)            integrins
                C)            actin filaments
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

17. With respect to the plasma membrane, most enzymic receptors are
                A)           entirely internal
                B)            seven pass
                C)            entirely on the surface
                D)           multipass
                E)            single pass

18. A single-pass protein that acts as a "self" marker is
                A)           GTP
                B)            MHC
                C)            GMP
                D)           MCA
                E)            ADP

19. Binding of epinephrin to a G protein-linked receptor causes adenylyl cyclase to produce large amounts of
                A)           A-kinase
                B)            G protein
                C)            phospholipase C
                D)           inositol triphosphate
                E)            cAMP

20. Cell signals with short-lived local effects are called _______________
                A)           paracrine
                B)            apocrine
                C)            merocrine
                D)           holocrine
                E)            none of the above

21. Desmosomes are associated with ____________ junctions.
                A)           adherens
                B)            tight
                C)            anchoring
                D)           communicating
                E)            lymphomas

22. One protein kinase cascade begins with the phosphorylation of the
                A)           tap protein
                B)            gat protein
                C)            sat protein
                D)           ras protein
                E)            sap protein

23. Plasmodesmata
                A)           encircle cells of a tight junction like a belt
                B)            connect to intermediate fibers of the cytoskeleton
                C)            connect the cytoplasm of one plant cell to that of another
                D)           connect actin fibers of one cell to the extracellular matrix of another
                E)            is the name given to desmosomes of plant cells

24. The signalling molecules that travel the farthest are
                A)           endocrine
                B)            paracrine
                C)            neurotransmitter
                D)           intracellular

25. When a signal molecule arrives at a G protein-linked receptor, the G protein
                A)           becomes deactivated
                B)            binds to the signal molecule
                C)            becomes activated
                D)           binds with a Ca++
                E)            binds with calmodulin

26. Cells interact through the actions of chemical signals which either bind to receptors on the membrane or
                A)           pass through the plasma membrane
                B)            trigger responses from inside the cell
                C)            bind to intracellular receptors
                D)           activate receptors that bind to DNA
                E)            all of the above

27. Cell junctions that prevent small molecules from passing in between two cells are called
                A)           gap junctions
                B)            tight junctions
                C)            adhesions
                D)           plasmodesmata
                E)            all of the above

28. In some tissues subject to mechanical stress, special junctions called _______________ connect the cytoskeletons of adjacent cells.
                A)           cadherin junctions
                B)            tight junctions
                C)            stress junctions
                D)           anchoring junctions
                E)            gap junctions

29. Gap junctions are formed by
                A)           the fusion of plasma membranes to form a single membrane
                B)            the insertion of protein complexes that form tunnels between cells
                C)            protein hooks that extend into the membrane of adjacent cells
                D)           gaps in the cell wall of plants
                E)            none of the above

30. Plasmodesmata occur in
                A)           bacterial cells
                B)            all eukaryotic cells
                C)            plant cells
                D)           animal cells
                E)            the nucleus of the cell

31. A _______________ is a type of adhering junction between animal cells.
                A)           tight junction
                B)            plasmodesma
                C)            chemical synapse
                D)           gap junction
                E)            c and d, but not a and b

32. Protein kinases are enzymes that stimulate the production of hormones.
                A)           True
                B)            False

33. Hormones are relatively long lived signals that travel throughout the body. This type of signalling is called
                A)           paracrine signalling
                B)            synaptic signalling
                C)            autocrine signalling
                D)           endocrine signalling
                E)            direct contact

34. All of the following statements apply to G proteins except
                A)           G proteins transmit a signal from the cell surface to the interior of the cell
                B)            all G proteins have a similar structure
                C)            G proteins do not use second messengers but transmit the signal directly into the nucleus
                D)           G proteins act to amplify the signal creating a cascade response in the cell
                E)            G proteins underlie the actions of many medications

35. Receptors that are recognized by the immune system are
                A)           immunoglobulins
                B)            MHC proteins
                C)            T receptor
                D)           B receptor
                E)            all of the above

1. The second law of thermodynamics essentially says
                A)           heat is energy
                B)            motion energy converts to heat energy
                C)            at the atomic level, motion is continuous
                D)           entropy increases

2. The energy required to destabilize existing chemical bonds is called ____ energy.
                A)           activation
                B)            destabilization
                C)            kinetic
                D)           free

3. If DG is said to be positive, it means
                A)           H is lower
                B)            reactants contain more energy than the product does
                C)            S in the system is higher
                D)           products of the reaction contain more energy than the reactants

4. Which of the following is uncharacteristic of ATP?
                A)           It is formed by attaching a phosphate group to ADP with a high-energy bond.
                B)            In most reactions involving ATP, only the outer, high-energy bond is hydrolized.
                C)            It is a good long-term energy storage molecule.
                D)           When dephosphorylated, ATP becomes ADP.

5. The most primitive form of metabolism is
                A)           glycolysis
                B)            oxygen-forming photosynthesis
                C)            the degradation of organic molecules with the released energy stored in ATP
                D)           anaerobic respiration

6. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be
                A)           created
                B)            destroyed
                C)            converted
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

7. The universal energy currency for all cells is
                A)           ATP
                B)            NAD+
                C)            ADP
                D)           enzymes
                E)            O2

8. Enzymes
                A)           make endergonic reactions proceed spontaneously
                B)            lower the activation energy of a reaction
                C)            are not very specific in their choice of substrates
                D)           are needed in large quantities because they are used up during catalysis
                E)            none of the above

9. To what category of macromolecules do most enzymes belong?
                A)           carbohydrates
                B)            lipids
                C)            steroids
                D)           nucleic acids
                E)            proteins

10. NAD+ is a(n)
                A)           enzyme
                B)            coenzyme
                C)            active site
                D)           high-energy bond
                E)            allosteric activator

11. Which of the following is a reduced compound?
                A)           CO2
                B)            O2
                C)            N2
                D)           NAD+
                E)            NADH

12. In an endergonic reaction,
                A)           the reactants contain less free energy than the products
                B)            the reactants contain more free energy than the products
                C)            no activation energy is required
                D)           catalysis cannot occur
                E)            substrates outnumber enzymes

13. The energy of random molecular motion is called
                A)           heat
                B)            free energy
                C)            enthalpy
                D)           potential energy
                E)            activation energy

14. The energy available to do work in a system is called
                A)           entropy
                B)            activation energy
                C)            thermodynamics
                D)           free energy
                E)            heat

15. The initial steps in breaking down glucose are called
                A)           nitrogen fixation
                B)            glycolysis
                C)            chemiosmosis
                D)           intramolecular catalysis
                E)            intermolecular catalysis

16. A catalyst will make a reaction
                A)           stop
                B)            slow down
                C)            speed up
                D)           go in a different direction
                E)            you can never tell

17. When molecules are reduced they gain
                A)           energy
                B)            electrons
                C)            hydrogen protons
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

18. Which of the following statements about enzymes is true?
                A)           some substrates can make enzymes change shape slightly
                B)            all enzymes have the same pH optimum
                C)            the active sites of all enzymes have the same three-dimensional shape
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

19. Cofactors
                A)           break hydrogen bonds in proteins
                B)            help facilitate enzyme activity
                C)            increase activation energy
                D)           are very rare in living organisms
                E)            are linked to ATP by high-energy bonds

20. How much energy is released when one of the high-energy bonds in ATP is broken?
                A)           730 cal/mole
                B)            7.3 cal/mole
                C)            7.3 kcal/mole
                D)           73 kcal/mole
                E)            730 kcal/mole

21. Consider the hypothetical biochemical pathway H -- I -- J-- K-- L. Which step most likely evolved first?
                A)           H -- I
                B)            I -- J
                C)            I -- H
                D)           J -- K
                E)            K -- L

22. Why do drastic changes in the temperature or pH of a system alter enzyme activity?
                A)           they change the three-dimensional shape of the enzyme
                B)            they disrupt hydrogen and ionic bonds in the enzyme
                C)            they disrupt hydrophobic interactions in the enzyme
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

23. The loss of an electron by a molecule is called
                A)           oxidation
                B)            reduction
                C)            induced fit
                D)           enthalpy
                E)            allosteric inhibition

24. In the chemical equation G = H - TS, the term G stands for
                A)           entropy
                B)            the reactants
                C)            enthalpy
                D)           free energy
                E)            the products

25. Enzyme B requires Zn2+ in order to catalyze the conversion of substrate X. The zinc is best identified as a(n):
                A)           coenzyme
                B)            cofactor
                C)            substrate
                D)           product
                E)            enzyme

26. The next two questions refer to the following chemical reaction that is catalyzed by the enzyme malic dehydrogenase: malic acid + NAD+ -----> oxaloacetic acid + NADH + H+ delta G = +7.1 kcal.
Which of the following statements are true of this reaction?
                A)           Malic acid is reduced to oxaloacetic acid.
                B)            b. The bonds within the products are more stable than those within the substrates.
                C)            The reaction is endergonic.
                D)           Entropy is increasing.
                E)            Both b and c, but not a and d.

27. NAD+
                A)           is being reduced.
                B)            is a coenzyme.
                C)            is an oxidizing agent.
                D)           all of the above.
                E)            a and b, but not c.

28. In the malate dehydrogenase reaction given above, NAD+ is a reducing agent.
                A)           True
                B)            False

29. Which of the following must be true for a reaction to occur spontaneously?
                A)           delta G must be negative
                B)            delta H must be negative
                C)            delta S must be positive
                D)           delta G must be positive
                E)            b, c, and d, but not a

30. Continuing with question 5, this reaction would occur spontaneously.
                A)           True
                B)            False

31. Redox reactions (oxidation-reduction)
                A)           do not occur in living systems
                B)            require the presence of oxygen
                C)            involve the loss of electrons termed oxidation
                D)           involve the gaining of energy by an oxidized substance
                E)            both a and b

32. The actions of an enzyme can be affected by all of the following except
                A)           p/PH
                B)            temperature
                C)            allosteric inhibitors
                D)           availability ATP
                E)            cofactors

33. Which of the following are mismatched
                A)           anabolic reactions-expend energy
                B)            reduction-gain of an electron
                C)            endergonic reaction-anabolism
                D)           exergonic reaction-catabolism
                E)            activation energy-entropy

1. When energy-depleted elements associated with a proton are accepted by an organic molecule, the process is called
                A)           fermentation
                B)            anaerobic
                C)            aerobic
                D)           catabolism

2. An example of anaerobic would be
                A)           production of sulfates from H2S
                B)            production of methane by methanogens
                C)            glycolysis by purple bacteria
                D)           utilization of methane by methanogens

3. The end product of glycolysis is
                A)           NADH
                B)            acetyl-CoA
                C)            lactate
                D)           pyruvate

4. The final output of the Krebs cycle includes all of the following except
                A)           NADP
                B)            FADH2
                C)            ATP
                D)           CO2

5. The usefulness of fermentation as a means of deriving energy is limited because
                A)           it cannot generate enough ATP
                B)            it produces too much NH2
                C)            the end products are toxic to the producer
                D)           it uses more energy than it produces

6. Which of the following is not a product of fermentation?
                A)           CO2
                B)            O2
                C)            ethanol
                D)           lactate
                E)            all of the above are products of fermentation

7. What substance is produced by the oxidation of pyruvate and feeds into the citric acid cycle?
                A)           pyruvate
                B)            glucose
                C)            acetyl-CoA
                D)           O2
                E)            CO2

8. Glycolysis has an efficiency level of approximately
                A)           2%
                B)            3.5%
                C)            21.5%
                D)           50%
                E)            78.5%

9. Hans Krebs discovered (worked out the details of)
                A)           glycolysis
                B)            fermentation
                C)            the oxidation of pyruvate
                D)           the citric acid cycle
                E)            electron transport and chemiosmosis

10. Oxidative respiration in eukaryotes has an efficiency level of approximately
                A)           2%
                B)            63%
                C)            14%
                D)           36%
                E)            32%

11. In aerobic cellular respiration, which generates more ATP, substrate-level phosphorylation or chemiosmosis?
                A)           substrate-level phosphorylation
                B)            chemiosmosis
                C)            both generate the same amount of ATP
                D)           neither generates any ATP

12. What role does O2 play in aerobic respiration?
                A)           it plays no role
                B)            it combines with acetyl-CoA at the start of the Krebs cycle
                C)            it is given off as a by-product during the oxidation of pyruvate
                D)           it combines with H2O to help drive the formation of ATP
                E)            it is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain

13. During aerobic respiration, FADH2 is produced in
                A)           glycolysis
                B)            the oxidation of pyruvate
                C)            the Krebs cycle
                D)           the electron transport chain
                E)            fermentation

14. NADH is produced during
                A)           glycolysis
                B)            the oxidation of pyruvate
                C)            the Krebs cycle
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

15. Organisms that do not have the ability to produce or synthesize their own food are called
                A)           anaerobic
                B)            autotrophs
                C)            exergonic
                D)           catabolic
                E)            heterotrophs

16. The proper sequence of stages in glycolysis is
                A)           glucose priming, cleavage and rearrangement, oxidation, ATP generation
                B)            cleavage and rearrangement, glucose priming, ATP generation, oxidation
                C)            glucose priming, oxidation, cleavage and rearrangement, ATP generation
                D)           ATP generation, oxidation, glucose priming, cleavage and rearrangement
                E)            oxidation, cleavage and rearrangement, ATP generation, glucose priming

17. During what stage of cellular respiration is the most ATP synthesized?
                A)           glycolysis
                B)            oxidation of pyruvate
                C)            Krebs cycle
                D)           fermentation
                E)            chemiosmosis

18. Catabolic processes
                A)           make complex molecules from simpler ones
                B)            break complex molecules into simpler ones
                C)            occur only in autotrophs
                D)           occur only in heterotrophs
                E)            none of the above

19. What substance is regenerated by fermentation?
                A)           O2
                B)            NAD+
                C)            acetyl-CoA
                D)           ATP
                E)            glucose

20. Which of the following is a multienzyme complex?
                A)           glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)
                B)            NAD+
                C)            FAD+
                D)           pyruvate dehydrogenase
                E)            all of the above

21. During chemiosmosis in aerobic respiration, protons are pumped
                A)           out of the cell
                B)            out of the mitochondria into the cell cytoplasm
                C)            out of the mitochondrial matrix into the outer compartment of the mitochondria
                D)           out of the cell cytoplasm into the matrix of the mitochondria
                E)            out of the nucleus and into the mitochondria

22. Each molecule of FADH2 results in the production of how many ATP molecules during aerobic respiration?
                A)           2
                B)            3
                C)            4
                D)           18
                E)            36

23. Which of the following organisms carries out cellular respiration?
                A)           a corn plant
                B)            a dog
                C)            a yeast
                D)           a bacterium
                E)            all of the above

24. Oxidizing which of the following substances yields the most energy?
                A)           proteins
                B)            glucose
                C)            fatty acids
                D)           alcohol
                E)            water

25. The oxidation of glucose to two molecules each of pyruvate, ATP, and NADH is called ________ and occurs in the ________.
                A)           glycolysis; cytoplasm
                B)            fermentation; cytoplasm
                C)            the Krebs cycle; matrix of the mitochondrion
                D)           anaerobic respiration; cytoplasm
                E)            the respiratory electron transport chain; cristae of the mitochondrion

26. A cell culture was supplied with radioactively labeled O2. The cells were monitored. In a few minutes the radioactive oxygen atoms were present in which of the following compounds:
                A)           carbon dioxide
                B)            NADH and FADH2
                C)            water
                D)           ATP
                E)            lactic acid

27. During respiration, NADH donates two electrons to the carrier know as ubiquinone. When this happens, ubiquinone:
                A)           becomes oxidized.
                B)            passes the electrons directly to O2 which is reduced to water.
                C)            pumps protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
                D)           all of the above.
                E)            a and b, but not c.

28. The final electron acceptor in lactic acid fermentation is:
                A)           NAD+
                B)            pyruvate
                C)            O2
                D)           lactic acid
                E)            ATP

29. Under normal conditions, as electrons flow down the electron transport chain of the mitochondria:
                A)           NADH and FADH2 are oxidized.
                B)            the pH of the matrix increases.
                C)            the electrons lose free energy.
                D)           an electrochemical gradient is formed.
                E)            all of the above.

30. Pyruvate is oxidized when oxygen is present.
                A)           True
                B)            False

31. During the oxidation of glucose, a net gain of ATP only occurs under aerobic conditions.
                A)           True
                B)            False

32. ATP can be formed through substrate-level phosphorylation and this process requires
                A)           an input of energy
                B)            a high-energy phosphate group that is transferred directly to ADP
                C)            a concentration gradient of protons
                D)           the protein ATPsynthase
                E)            all of the above

33. Proteins and fats can be nutritional sources of energy provided that
                A)           they are converted into glucose
                B)            the enter their own pathways that are separate from the glucose metabolic pathways
                C)            they are degraded completely into atoms before entering a pathway
                D)           they are modified so that they can enter the glucose metabolic pathways
                E)            both b and c

34. ATP formation by glycolysis
                A)           occurs through aerobic respiration
                B)            is an extremely efficient method of acquiring energy by the cell
                C)            requires oxygen
                D)           involves substrate-level phosphorylation
                E)            both a and c

35. Under which condition would you expect the mitochondrial proton gradient to be highest and therefore ATP synthesis to proceed?
                A)           pyruvate (present)-oxygen (present)-ATP levels (high)
                B)            pyruvate (present)-oxygen (present)-ATP levels (low)
                C)            pyruvate (present)-oxygen (absent)-ATP levels (high)
                D)           pyruvate (absent)-oxygen (present)-ATP levels (low)
                E)            pyruvate (absent)-oxygen (absent)-ATP levels (high)

36. In the course of the cell's breakdown of one glucose molecule, the mitochondrion takes up certain reactants and releases certain products. Indicate some of these reactants and products below by selecting the best choice from each numbered set of letters: REACTANTS (materials entering)
                A)           6 carbon dioxide molecules
                B)            2 pyruvates
                C)            1 glucose
                D)           2 lactates
                E)            2 PEP

1. The light reaction of photosynthesis does not include
                A)           chemiosmosis
                B)            oxygen liberation
                C)            charge separation
                D)           electron transport

2. The final product of the Calvin cycle is
                A)           RuPB
                B)            PGA
                C)            ATP
                D)           G3P

3. Photosynthesis takes place in the membranes of small sacs called
                A)           thylakoids
                B)            grana
                C)            photosystems
                D)           photons

4. The dark reaction in photosynthesis is limited by
                A)           CO2, temperature, and light
                B)            CO2, light, and water
                C)            water, temperature, and CO2
                D)           oxygen, water, and temperature

5. Colors of light most useful in photosynthesis are
                A)           green, yellow, and orange
                B)            red, violet, and blue
                C)            infrared, red, and yellow
                D)           red, white, and blue

6. During what stage of photosynthesis is O2 produced?
                A)           cyclic photophosphorylation
                B)            the light-dependent reactions involving photosystems I and II
                C)            carbon fixation
                D)           the Krebs cycle
                E)            O2 is not produced during photosynthesis

7. The pigment molecules responsible for photosynthesis are located in the
                A)           mitochondria
                B)            cytoplasm of the cell
                C)            stroma of the chloroplast
                D)           thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast
                E)            all of the above

8. Both carotenoids and chlorophylls
                A)           are pigments
                B)            absorb photons of all energy ranges
                C)            contain porphyrin rings
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

9. Which of the following is the correct sequence for the movement of electrons during the light-dependent reactions of plants?
                A)           P680 à P700 à water à NADP+
                B)            water à P700 à NADP+à P680
                C)            P700 à P680 à NADP+à water
                D)           P680 à water à P700 à NADP+
                E)            water à P680 à P700 à NADP+

10. What pigment is used in human vision?
                A)           chlorophyll a
                B)            beta-carotene
                C)            retinal
                D)           vitamin A
                E)            ferredoxin

11. During what stage of photosynthesis are ATP and NADPH converted to ADP + Pi and NADP+?
                A)           the light-dependent reactions
                B)            the light-independent reactions
                C)            both of the above
                D)           none of the above

12. Water vapor exits and CO2 enters a leaf through the
                A)           stomata
                B)            grana
                C)            porphyrin rings
                D)           photons
                E)            stroma

13. Which of the following organisms have the greatest problem with photorespiration?
                A)           C4 plants
                B)            heterotrophs
                C)            C3 plants
                D)           CAM plants
                E)            purple sulfur bacteria

14. What energy-rich organic compound is produced as a result of the Calvin cycle?
                A)           NADPH
                B)            CO2
                C)            ATP
                D)           H2O
                E)            glucose

15. High-energy photons
                A)           have long wavelengths
                B)            have short wavelengths
                C)            are more likely to produce red light than blue light
                D)           cannot be absorbed

16. Light that is visible to humans occupies what part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
                A)           the entire upper half
                B)            the entire lower half
                C)            a small portion in the middle
                D)           the entire spectrum
                E)            visible light is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum

17. During photosynthesis, photons raise electrons to higher energy levels. These excited electrons belong to what compound?
                A)           H2O
                B)            ATP
                C)            RuBP
                D)           glucose
                E)            chlorophyll

18. Which of the following occurs during the light-dependent reactions of plants?
                A)           electron transport
                B)            chemiosmosis
                C)            splitting of water
                D)           all of the above
                E)            none of the above

19. The oxygen that is released as O2 during photosynthesis came from _____________ molecules.
                A)           carbon dioxide
                B)            water
                C)            glucose
                D)           chlorophyll
                E)            ATP

20. Compared to retinal, chlorophyll can be described as a pigment that has a
                A)           narrow absorption range but high efficiency
                B)            narrow absorption range but low efficiency
                C)            wide absorption range but high efficiency
                D)           wide absorption range but low efficiency

21. The earliest photosynthesizers probably used what as a source of hydrogen?
                A)           H2S
                B)            H2O
                C)            CO2
                D)           C6H12O6

22. How many carbon atoms are in a molecule of RuBP?
                A)           zero
                B)            one
                C)            two
                D)           three
                E)            five

23. Which of the following is mismatched?
                A)           Photosystem I - uses the P700 molecule in its photocenter
                B)            PGA - a 3-carbon compound
                C)            antenna complex - contains hundreds of pigment molecules
                D)           CAM plants - open their stomata during the day and close them at night to avoid photorespiration
                E)            C4 plants - expend ATP to concentrate CO2 in bundle-sheath cells to avoid photorespiration

24. Which of the following statements about photosynthesis is true?
                A)           the light-dependent reactions can occur only in the light, the light-independent reactions only in the dark
                B)            photorespiration is more efficient at producing glucose than is photosynthesis
                C)            the light-dependent reactions produce the energy-rich compounds that are used to run the light-independent reactions
                D)           all of the above are true

25. Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
                A)           photosynthesis occurs only in autotrophs; cellular respiration occurs only in heterotrophs
                B)            photosynthesis uses solar energy to convert inorganics to energy-rich organics; respiration breaks down energy-rich organics to synthesize ATP
                C)            photosynthesis involves the oxidation of glucose; respiration involves the reduction of CO2
                D)           the primary function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to synthesize ATP; the primary function of cellular respiration is to break down ATP and release energy
                E)            photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in separate, specialized organelles; the two processes cannot occur in the same cell at the same time

26. In sulfur bacteria, how many pigment electrons must get transported during cyclic photophosphorylation to produce one molecule of ATP?
                A)           one
                B)            two
                C)            three
                D)           four
                E)            five

27. Production of one molecule of 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde requires how many turns of the Calvin cycle?
                A)           1
                B)            2
                C)            3
                D)           6
                E)            12

28. To reduce six molecules of carbon dioxide to glucose via photosynthesis, how many molecules of NADPH and ATP are required?
                A)           6 NADPH and 6 ATP
                B)            12 NADPH and 12 ATP
                C)            12 NADPH and 18 ATP
                D)           18 NADPH and 12 ATP
                E)            24 NADPH and 18 ATP

29. The primary form of sugar transported from the site of photosynthesis to the rest of the plant is:
                A)           glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
                B)            glucose
                C)            fructose
                D)           ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
                E)            sucrose

30. Rubisco:
                A)           catalyzes the carboxylation of CO2 to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate.
                B)            initiates photorespiration when the CO2/O2 ratio is low.
                C)            catalyzes the reduction of two molecules of PGAL to form glucose.
                D)           all of the above (a-c).
                E)            a and b, but not c.

31. The immediate products of C3 and C4 photosynthesis are, respectfully:
                A)           ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate; malic acid
                B)            malate; carbon dioxide
                C)            3-phosphoglycerate; oxaloacetic acid
                D)           glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; phospho-enol-pyruvate (PEP)
                E)            malic acid; glucose

32. Light-driven electron transport in the chloroplast pumps H+ into the intermembrane space between the outer and inner membranes.
                A)           True
                B)            False

33. CO2 fixation occurs within the stroma.
                A)           True
                B)            False

34. If you know the absorption spectrum of a pigment, you can predict the pigment's color.
                A)           True
                B)            False

35. For every CO2 molecule fixed by photosynthesis, one molecule of O2 is produced.
                A)           True
                B)            False

36. Light is required for the light dependent reactions because
                A)           it is the source for electrons
                B)            it splits the water molecule
                C)            it energizes electrons in the reaction center
                D)           it splits ATP molecules which generates the energy necessary to power the light independent reactions
                E)            none of the above